Monday, January 20, 2020

Fundamentals: Enable Customize

Under Preferences, click on "Enable Customize"

  • click and drag options from right panel to place on top panel for modelling

Focal Shift Slider

The Focal Shift slider fine-tunes the current painting or editing action. It shifts the effective curve so the intensity is drawn closer to the center (positive value) or away from the center (negative value).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sticky Mode - Hitting 1 to repeart instances of object

Sticky Mode

hitting 1 to repeat instances of object

analogy: the clone tool in 3DS Max

Live Boolean

ZBrush includes a complete Boolean system in addition to its other Boolean-style features like DynaMesh and Remesh All. These features all use the SubTool operators to define if a SubTool will be used as an Addition, Subtraction or Intersection model.

-Selecting a subtool
-selecting qCube
-Cube subdivided into two polys each side
-LiveBooleans works similar to Dynamesh in that it develops as you go along with your sculpt

Two Types of Boolean

The Live Boolean mode found in the Render >> Render Booleans sub-palette lets you preview in real-time the results of Boolean operations on your SubTools. You can move, scale, rotate, duplicate, change the operation mode and even sculpt in this mode. In the default ZBrush UI, the Live Boolean switch is readily accessed to the left of the Edit mode button.
The Make Boolean Mesh function, found in the Tool >> SubTool >> Boolean sub-palette converts all Boolean operations to a new Tool. These results can be reused for further Boolean operations inside of ZBrush or exported to other 3D applications.

3 Main Parts



Dam_Standard Brush

-Sharper strokes than the regular standard brush

Fundamentals: Insert Polyloop

  Inserting the polyloop will connect edges