Sunday, June 28, 2020

,Morph Target

  • Creates a copy of mesh that you can switch back on when you make edits to*

*downside of this is is you move the mesh your sculpting and the morph goes back to the position it was in originally. it should only be used for sculpting details

How to unwrap texture from polypaint

  • All of the polypaint you apply on your model will be created as a UV map

What is a UV Island?

  • A UV island is a a chunk of the UV unwrap that is split apart from another part.

  • Always work with a clone when unwrapping a model

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Modified Hotkeys

  • "Delete Hidden" under "Modify Topology" - Shift+D

How to Modify hotkeys?

  • CTRL+Alt click on any item on interface
  • then, type in the combination to assign to that item or press ESC to get out of assigning
  • then, go to preferences>hotkeys and select "store"
  • this enables zbrush to open up with the new modified hotkeys

Modified Preferences: Quicksave

Preferences > Quicksave

  • Quicksave every 5 minutes
  • Quicksave files - 20

Fundamentals: Insert Polyloop

  Inserting the polyloop will connect edges